

Na iTukuni(storytelling)

Na iTukuni is a form of storytelling and a means for leisure and passing time. It is also a form through which oral history is passed inter-generationally. Storytellers are “gifted” individuals with vivid memories of the past, and, to reciprocate for their talent, they are gifted with food and traditional heirlooms. There are stories that tell of human triumph, trickery and jest between friends and foes, and clashes between humans and figures from the spiritual world, as well as stories that have history or some coded knowledge in them. Some stories are about characters from the spiritual realm and feats of ancestral heroes. Other stories tell of humor, tragedy, exile, unrequited romance, death, and even cheating death. Storytelling was the equivalent of today’s television and social media. It kept members of a clan entertained and enthralled when storytellers held court around an open fire before a starry-eyed audience, mimicking voices and gestures. Storytelling not only enhanced social cohesion, but served as a repository of a clan’s intangible heritage, particularly in a culture that was highly and predominantly oral and remains so even today.

Serekali ni gauna(Poetic Recital on the Passage of Time)

Country : Fiji


Na tawa vanua e Vaturova(Settlement of Vaturova in Cakaudrove Province)

Country : Fiji


Na tawa vanua nei Tui Lovoni kei ira na nona ilawalawa(The Migration of Tui Lovoni and His Entourage)

Country : Fiji


Na sokalou vakavanua kei na lotu vaKarisito(Indigenous iTaukei Spirituality Contrasted with Christian Values and Beliefs)

Country : Fiji


Tukutuku dewaigusu – na tawa vanua mai Burebasaga i Ono kei na tekivu ni dua na veiwekani vakavanua(Oral History – Internal Migration from Burebasaga to Ono and the Establishment of a Chiefdom)

Country : Fiji


Na iTalanoa baleti Vugele kei Buna(A Tale of Vugele and Buna)

Country : Fiji


Na italanoa baleti Sekutu vata kei rua na yalewa kalou(A Tale of Sekutu and Two Female Spirits)

Country : Fiji


A iTukutuku ni tawavanua mai na soko ni Kaunitoni, kei na kalou vu ko Lutunasobasoba(A Story of Early Settlement of the Fiji Islands by the iTaukei Ancestral God, Lutunasobasoba, on His Vessel, the Ka

Country : Fiji


Information source
iTaukei Institute of Language & Culture (TILC)

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