ICH Materials 184
Nat Kadaw A Pyodaw Yein Traditional Group Dance of MyanmarIn Myanmar traditional dance, Yein Aka (group dance) is a form in which dancers perform solos, alternating with their fellow group members. It is performed with the accompa\u0002niment of a traditional orchestra known as Hsaing Waing. There are various kinds of Yein, including Thagyan Yein (water festival dance), Nat Kadaw Yein (a dance to pray to spirits), A Pyodaw Yein (ladies’ dance), and Simi Yein (candle light dance). Most group dances are performed by women, although some are for men.Year2021NationMyanmar
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Traditional Wrestling Styles in Central AsiaThis article contains a brief summary of the major traditional wrestling styles that have been preserved by local populations in Central Asia, namely Turkmen goresh; Tajik gushtingiri; Uzbek kurash; Kazakh kuresi, and Balban kurosh. Each of these sports are considered as traditional wrestling styles, recognized at national level, while some of them have gained popularity at international level. Promotion of such national sports provides an opportunity to share national values and highlight national identity through intangible cultural heritage (ICH).Year2020NationSouth Korea
TRADITIONAL UZBEK ATLAS BAYRAMI TEXTILE FESTIVALIkat making in Uzbekistan is an ancient type of applied art. The history of Ikat atlas and adras making technologies in the territory of Uzbekistan dates to the late antique period. Historically, Margilan, as the heart of the Fergana Valley, was the birthplace of advanced silk craftsmanship of Central Asia and the center for making atlas and adras—vivid and fine traditional fabrics.Year2020NationSouth Korea
ICH-RELATED FESTIVALS IN AZERBAIJANAzerbaijan is one of the countries whose history is inextricably linked with the Silk Road. From ancient times, the network trade routes connecting the east with the west and the south with the north crossed the territory of Azerbaijan.Year2020NationSouth Korea
Case of Turukmenistan : Future of ICH SafeguardingThe traditions of the Silk Roads go back many thousands of years, more than fifteen centuries, and holds a permanent place in the history of humanity and considerable monuments along the way. Bypassing political influences, Turkmenistan grew as a cultural hub for various traditions. Turkmenistan was at the crossroads of the Eurasian routes, a meeting point of various cultures and civilizations, passing along traditions. The major routes hold an historic and philosophical significance and display a strong sense of harmony among neighboring cultures. Through many centuries Turkmenistan played its part as a conduit for travelers along the Eurasian routes. One of the major issues in relation to the 2030 agenda is our cooperation with UNESCO and the UNESCO structures and experts to produce visible outcomes. Turkmenistan plans to continue its role of cooperation and looks forward to nominating more elements to the UNESCO lists. Akhal-Teke horses and Alabay dogs are loyal friends and faithful companions to Turkmens and are an integral part of the ICH along the Silk Roads.Year2020NationTurkmenistan
KAZAKHSTAN ON THE ROAD TO SAFEGUARDING ICH: INITIAL STEPS IN INVENTORY MAKINGThe culture of the Kazakh people originates from the deepest history of Eurasia. Its roots appear in the creativity of the nomadic tribes who roamed Kazakh steppes long before the Kazakh nation was created. This culture originates from a nomadic lifestyle, and it reflects a harmonious model that combines different cultures, languages, and confessions. Nomads maintained cooperative relationships with settled populations, and this facilitated cultural exchanges that enriched the cultures of the region.Year2012NationSouth Korea
The Characteristic Features of the Oral Tradition and Dastan as Elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Central AsiaThe artistic world of traditional culture of Central Asian peoples is determined by contents that lie in certain historical periods and, at the same time, remain outside history. Contemporary science allows us to study the originality of the art of people in Central Asia, which is important for an objective reconstruction of the general picture of the art’s evolution. Historical and social changes cannot be studied without a clear understanding of cultural integrity and the perception of the artistic laws of culture and its context in this or that socio-historical period.Year2015NationSouth Korea
Case of Kyrgyzstan: Influences and Effects of ICH Festivals on Local CommunitiesThe ICH festivals in the Kyrgyz Republic are a great way to safeguard the cultural heritage. Kyrgyzstan has a rich ICH and embraces all ICH domains including the oral traditions andexpressions, performing arts, social practices, rituals and festive event, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe, and traditional craftsmanship. Festivals feature various ICH domains such as arts and crafts, cuisine, folklore, felt, hunting with birds, horse games, etc. For instance, the festivals Kyrgyz Shyrdagy and the Oimo International Festival are held with the aim of safeguarding and popularizing traditional knowledge and skills of handicrafts, for safeguarding and promoting traditional games, various birds of prey festivals are held, such as Salbuurun and Kok Boru. Moreover, festivals are dedicated to safeguarding oral traditions, such as Aitysh, the art of improvisation as well as many other festivals reflecting traditional cuisine, folklore, etc.Year2020NationKyrgyzstan
3.16. Safeguarding Original Benarasi SareesHuman Welfare Association aims to organize and empower the most disadvantaged sections of the society for sustainable and comprehensive development leading to improved quality of life. Registered in 1991, the organization intends to address the needs of the vulnerable minority communities (Dalits, OBCs) with focus on women and children. HWA has implemented various projects at the grassroots level with the support of international donor agencies. The knowledge base of the community is being further developed through awareness generation and information dissemination at all levels.Year2017NationIndia
Living in Harmony with Nature: Safeguarding Centuries — Old TechniquesThe yurt is not just a portable dwelling used by many nomadic peoples, but a pinnacle of nomadic creativity and a symbol of the national identity of the Kyrgyz people. Yurts have a plain construction, can be quickly assembled and dismantled by a few people, protect from the cold or from the heat of sun, and most importantly are entirely made of natural materials. This makes the yurt one of the best options for the promotion of eco-tourism and centuries-old traditions and crafts. No big life event in Kyrgyzstan goes without installing a yurt. Births, weddings, and funeral rituals are traditionally held in yurts. They are an integral part of all festivities, ceremonies, and important events from the local to national and international levels.Year2022NationKyrgyzstan
AGRICULTURE ASSOCIATED RITES IN BOYSUNBoysun district, in southern Uzbekistan, has a beautiful natural landscape and is surrounded by a mountain range. The local environment and geographic isolation created favorable conditions for unique local intangible cultural heritage forms and expressions to form and be preserved over time. The same conditions also led to the existence of various types of labor activities, such as agriculture, cattle breeding, and handicrafts.Year2009NationUzbekistan
Turkmen Embroidery: A Source of InspirationThe decorative and applied art of any country is diverse and multifaceted, remaining a connecting thread between the past and the present, while reflecting the strict adherence of the peoples to the ancient culture of their ancestors. One of the most ancient types of decorative and applied art of the Turkmen people is embroidery, which occupies a special place in the decoration of traditional clothing of both women and men. Embroidery is connected by its theme, symbolism with the ancient history of Turkmenistan, with all the civilizations that have passed through this land.Year2022NationTurkmenistan