cultural space
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MOUNTAIN TERRACES OF THE IFUGAOThe mountain terraces in the cordilleras of northern Luzon, Philippines, were included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 1995. Propitiously, there was no mention of the word rice in the citation of the inclusion. It well may be because, when the Spanish explorers went up the cordilleras in the 16th-17th centuries, they made mention of the existence of terracing. However, no mention of rice was made.Year2011NationSouth Korea
3.5. Showcasing Traditional Lifestyle in Rajasthan's Desert MuseumRupayan Sansthan was founded in 1960 by the renowned folklorist and ethnomusicologist writer and Padma Bhushan recipient Komal Kothari and his very close friend, Padmashree recipient Vijaydan Detha, an eminent Rajasthani writer. Their research encompassed folk songs, folk tales, folk beliefs, proverbs, folk ballads, folk epics, folk gods and goddesses, social practices, rituals, fairs and festivals, rural food, nomads and pastoral ways of life. Rupayan’s archive houses have one of the richest collections of folkloristic materials.Year2017NationIndia
The drum dancing festival of the Giay ethnic group (Mèo Vạc district, Hà Giang province)The Giáy ethnic group belongs to the Kradai (Tai – Kadai) language family and the Tày - Tai group residing mainly in Lào Cai, Hà Giang and Lai Châu provinces, in Văn Chấn, Văn Yên districts of Yên Bái province and in Bảo Lạc district of Cao Bằng province.\nThe Giáy are occasionally called as the Nhắng, Dẳng, Pâu Thìn, Cùi Chu, Xạ, especially the Giáy in Tát Ngà commune, Mèo Vạc district, Hà Giang province are identified with such names as the Giấy, Giáy Nắm, Pu Nắm.\nYearNationViet Nam
3.24. Promoting Ethnic Music for Social Inclusion in NepalThe Music Museum of Nepal was started in 1995. Nepali Folk Musical Instrument Museum (NFMIM) was registered as a charity with the Nepal Government in 1997. The Museum holds a collection of 650 distinct Nepali folk musical instruments. Over the years, they have broadened the scope to encompass the rediscovery, conservation and promotion of the entire spectrum of Nepal’s traditional musical heritage. Their primary aim is to keep up the authentic Nepali music alive among the people.Year2017NationNepal
DEATH: FUNERAL AS A DEPARTURE TO A NEW BEGINNINGAccording to newa, a Buddhist belief system, death is one of the ten major events in one’s lifetime. While death is the end of a life, it is also taken as a beginning of another life, a cycle that continues until the state of Nirvana is achieved. Hence, death rituals, apart from funerals and lamentations, include rituals carried out to prepare the deceased for the journey after death.Year2019NationSouth Korea
LUM MEDICINAL BATHING OF SOWA RIGPA HEALTHCARE IN TIBETAN MEDICINE OF CHINALum, also called medicinal bathing, is an important part of Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine) with a long history. In Tibetan, “Lum” indicates the traditional knowledge and practices of bathing in natural hot springs, herbal water, or steam to adjust the balance of mind and body, to ensure health and treat illnesses. Lum medicinal bathing is popular among Tibetan people because of its wide indication, safety, and effectiveness.Year2020NationSouth Korea
Gendang Melayu SarawakBergendang is an arts and culture collection inherited by the Sarawak Malay community. It serves as a casual entertainment that educates, entertains, and criticizes the behavior of the community, by conveying messages through Pantun by Seh Gendang and Penandak .YearNationMalaysia
A COMMUNITY SAFEGUARDING ITS LIVING HERITAGE, LKHON KHOLOn the east bank of the Mekong River about fifteen kilometers from Phnom Penh is Wat Svay Andet, a Buddhist monastic community mainly supported by two villages, Ta Skor and Peam Ek of Lvea-em District, Kandal Province. Wat Svay Andet is home to lkhon khol, a kind of theatre with recitation in which actors are all males, wear lacquer masks, and perform only scenes from Reamker, a Cambodian version of the Sanskrit Ramayana epic. This dance drama is accompanied by pinpeat, a traditional orchestra of percussion instruments. Although the dance is performed by villagers, the costumes and ornaments are as magnificent as those of classical court dance.Year2016NationSouth Korea
SERPENT IMAGE IN ANCIENT BELIEFS OF UZBEKISTANThroughout history, various amulets and talismans portraying animals have been associated with astrology and religion.Year2013NationSouth Korea
Trilogy of the Epic 'Manas. Semetey. Seytek' as National Identity of the Kyrgyz PeopleThe epic Manas occupies a central place in the spiritual culture of the Kyrgyz people as a consolidating factor of the ethnos and basis for self-identity. The significance of the epic in the treasury of human heritage was recognised by the world community in 1995. The resolution ‘On celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Kyrgyz National Epos Manas was adopted at the 49th session of the UN General Assembly carried out by UNESCO and UNDP. The 1000th anniversary of the epic ‘Manas’ was celebrated on the international level with the participation of more than 60 countries. A number of exhibitions, festivals, and conferences dedicated to the epic ‘Manas’ were held in Turkey, China, USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and other countries. The inclusion of Manas on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2013 was the next important step in the recognition of the Epos as World Heritage.Year2015NationSouth Korea
The Value of Oral and Traditional Heritage of Kazakhstan and the Great Silk RoadThe Kazakh oral tradition is closely associated with the culture and lifestyle of nomadic civilisation. One of the main branches of the Great Silk Road is known to have led across Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The instrumental and oral traditions of numerous nomadic and settled nations were developing along the Great Silk Road in close interethnic contacts. In particular, many scientists and researchers note that different cultures and ethnic groups have common variations of tamboura-like instruments with silk strings and dulcimer-like instruments and traditional guttural singing.Year2015NationSouth Korea
FOLK HERITAGE MUSEUM OF BHUTAN (PHELCHEY TOENKHYIM)Nestled in the Himalayas between India and China, Bhutan is considered the only independent Mahayana Buddhist country in the world today. The rich and vibrant local customs, habits and traditions, crafts, and artistic sensibilities, derived from Buddhist teachings and practices, give Bhutan a distinctive identity of its own. Bhutan has conscientiously safeguarded these rich religious and cultural traditions, both tangible and intangible, as being one of the pillars of realizing the developmental philosophy of ‘Gross National Happiness.’Year2010NationSouth Korea