ICH Materials 30
Assyk Atu - festive events
Assyk Atu - preparing for the game. \nThe players put the assyks in line.
Kazakhstan -
Assyk: festive events
Assyk as art object: Festive events conducted on the occasion of the National Dombra Day in Almaty.
Kazakhstan -
Assyk Atu - Altyn Saka Tournament
Assyk Atu – the judges introduce the new team of competing assyk atu players. \nAltyn Saka Tournament 2010 (II Atana City Contest).\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone. Main positions are the following (high ranking first): alshi (camel); tai (horse); Buk (goat) and shik (sheep). \nAssyk refers to the astragalus of the ankle of a sheep or goat. The bones are collected and used for traditional games and fortune-telling throughout Central Asia, and games involving the ankle bones may also be referred to by the name of the bones. Common size assyks may be painted bright colours. Main assyk – saka usually is bigger. Such bones have been used throughout history, and are thought to be the first forms of dice. In English language source sassyk may be referred to as "ankle bones", and playing with assyk is sometimes called ankle bone shooting.\n
Kazakhstan -
Assyk Atu - Altyn Saka Tournament
Assyk Atu – young participant sends his saka to knock the line. \nAltyn Saka Tournament 2010 (II Atana City Contest).\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone. Main positions are the following (high ranking first): alshi (camel); tai (horse); Buk (goat) and shik (sheep). \nAssyk refers to the astragalus of the ankle of a sheep or goat. The bones are collected and used for traditional games and fortune-telling throughout Central Asia, and games involving the ankle bones may also be referred to by the name of the bones. Common size assyks may be painted bright colours. Main assyk – saka usually is bigger. Such bones have been used throughout history, and are thought to be the first forms of dice. In English language source sassyk may be referred to as "ankle bones", and playing with assyk is sometimes called ankle bone shooting.\n
Kazakhstan -
Assyk Atu - Altyn Saka Tournament
Assyk Atu – field judge invites players to the game. \nAltyn Saka Tournament 2010 (II Atana City Contest).\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone. Main positions are the following (high ranking first): alshi (camel); tai (horse); Buk (goat) and shik (sheep). \nAssyk refers to the astragalus of the ankle of a sheep or goat. The bones are collected and used for traditional games and fortune-telling throughout Central Asia, and games involving the ankle bones may also be referred to by the name of the bones. Common size assyks may be painted bright colours. Main assyk – saka usually is bigger. Such bones have been used throughout history, and are thought to be the first forms of dice. In English language source sassyk may be referred to as "ankle bones", and playing with assyk is sometimes called ankle bone shooting.\n
Kazakhstan -
Assyk Atu - Altyn Saka Tournament
Assyk Atu – the president of jury welcomes the winner. \nAltyn Saka Tournament 2010 (II Atana City Contest).\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone. Main positions are the following (high ranking first): alshi (camel); tai (horse); Buk (goat) and shik (sheep). \nAssyk refers to the astragalus of the ankle of a sheep or goat. The bones are collected and used for traditional games and fortune-telling throughout Central Asia, and games involving the ankle bones may also be referred to by the name of the bones. Common size assyks may be painted bright colours. Main assyk – saka usually is bigger. Such bones have been used throughout history, and are thought to be the first forms of dice. In English language source sassyk may be referred to as "ankle bones", and playing with assyk is sometimes called ankle bone shooting.\n
Kazakhstan -
Assyk Atu - Altyn Saka Tournament
Assyk Atu – young participant is targeting for knock. \nAltyn Saka Tournament 2010 (II Atana City Contest).\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone. Main positions are the following (high ranking first): alshi (camel); tai (horse); Buk (goat) and shik (sheep). \nAssyk refers to the astragalus of the ankle of a sheep or goat. The bones are collected and used for traditional games and fortune-telling throughout Central Asia, and games involving the ankle bones may also be referred to by the name of the bones. Common size assyks may be painted bright colours. Main assyk – saka usually is bigger. Such bones have been used throughout history, and are thought to be the first forms of dice. In English language source sassyk may be referred to as "ankle bones", and playing with assyk is sometimes called ankle bone shooting.\n
Kazakhstan -
Assyk Atu - Altyn Saka Tournament
Assyk Atu – the team of field judges. \nAltyn Saka Tournament 2010 (II Atana City Contest).\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone. Main positions are the following (high ranking first): alshi (camel); tai (horse); Buk (goat) and shik (sheep). \nAssyk refers to the astragalus of the ankle of a sheep or goat. The bones are collected and used for traditional games and fortune-telling throughout Central Asia, and games involving the ankle bones may also be referred to by the name of the bones. Common size assyks may be painted bright colours. Main assyk – saka usually is bigger. Such bones have been used throughout history, and are thought to be the first forms of dice. In English language source sassyk may be referred to as "ankle bones", and playing with assyk is sometimes called ankle bone shooting.\n
Kazakhstan -
Assyk Atu – festive events
Assyk Atu - preparing for the game. \nThe players play a serve for knock.\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone. Main positions are the following (high ranking first): alshi (camel); tai (horse); Buk (goat) and shik (sheep). \n
Kazakhstan -
Assyk Atu - preparing for a game
Assyks in children' hands: preparing for game.\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone. \nAssyk refers to the astragalus of the ankle of a sheep or goat. The bones are collected and used for traditional games and fortune-telling throughout Central Asia, and games involving the ankle bones may also be referred to by the name of the bones. Common size assyks may be painted bright colours. Main assyk – saka usually is bigger. Such bones have been used throughout history, and are thought to be the first forms of dice. In English language source sassyk may be referred to as "ankle bones", and playing with assyk is sometimes called ankle bone shooting.\n
Kazakhstan -
Kazakh traditional Assyk games
Children play assyk aty at a village street.\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone. The community concerned comprises most of the population of Kazakhstan, including members of the Federation ‘Assyk Atu’ Game as well as the larger community of practitioners, mainly children aged between four and eighteen. The element is an outdoor activity that helps develop children’s analytical thinking and physical state, fostering friendship and social inclusiveness. It is also a good model for positive collaboration, uniting people regardless of their age, ethnic background or religious affiliation. It is widely practised at festive celebrations and gatherings, and the community plays a key role in safeguarding the practice, as well as in popularizing it among other ethnic groups in Kazakhstan, turning it into a national symbol of childhood. It is transmitted from older boys to younger ones through observation, as well as through radio and TV documentaries aimed at encouraging children to play Assyk and acquainting people with their cultural heritage.
Kazakhstan -
Assyk Atu - Kazakh traditional games
Children play assyk aty at aul (nomad settlement).\nKazakh traditional Assyk games are an ancient tradition in Kazakhstan. Each player has their own set of ‘Assyks’, traditionally made out of the talus bone of a sheep, and a ‘Saka’ dyed in bright colours. Players use their Assyk to knock out other Assyks from the field, and the focus is on the position of the bone.