

The new ger warming feast
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001164
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    throughout the Mongolia
    Year of Designation 1966
Description The new ger warming feast is conducted when the marriage ceremony carried out or when some families renew their gers. The new ger warming feast starts as soon as the new ger is erected and the head of the family ties a khadag (sacred scarf) to the toono (crown of the ger). During the ger-warming feast the words of blessing are uttered and milk is sprinkled upon the crown, uni and khana (latticed wall of ger). When the blessing ceremony is over, the best pieces of meat are offered to the fire. Four pieces of cheese are placed in four directions under the vault of the ger. This type of custom of blessing a new ger is linked to ancient fire-worship practices.
Social and cultural significance The feast is celebrated to wish well-being for the family and all the endeavours in their future life. During the feast many customs represents the skills and experience of Mongolians in making felt, making straps, weaving carpets, and processing wood are practiced.
Transmission method through apprenticeship training and participation in the feast
Community Very common among the Mongolian people
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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