

Kırkpınar oil wrestling festival marks_1
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00000142
    Country Turkey
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations Performing Arts Social practices, rituals, festive events Traditional craft skills
    Kırkpınar oil wrestling is performed in Edirne. Other cities where oil wrestling activities are held, are: Afyon, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Bolu, Çanakkale, Isparta, İstanbul, Kırklareli, Kocaeli, Manisa, Sakarya, Samsun and Tekirdağ.
Description Kırkpınar Oil wrestling Festival is a traditional practice which is composed of a set of rituals and can be traced back to middle ages. Emerged in XIVth century Rumelia (Southwestern part of Turkey), Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling is one of the world’s oldest festivals (648 years). 648th Kırkpınar Oil wrestling Festival was organized in Edirne, in 2009. Festival ceremonies last for three days. The festival is launched by the welcoming ceremony of Kırkpınar Aga with 40 davul-zurna bands in front of Edirne Municipality Building. The festival activities then move on ceremonial procession in the city center followed by moment of silence ceremony, singing the Kırkpınar anthem and visiting the ‘Cemetery of Pehlivans’. The “golden belt”, which the Chief Pehlivan (Baş Pehlivan) will be rewarded with, is carried during the ceremonial procession. The festival starts on Friday, which is regarded as holy by the Muslims. The reason for choosing Holy Friday as the first day of the festival is the tradition of reciting mevlid (prayer) for the pehlivans. The “mevlid” is recited in historical Selimiye Mosque by the participation of all pehlivans. The events continue with the wrestling of pehlivans on an arena built exclusively for the festival in the outside of the city centre, Men’s Field (Er Meydanı) is the place where the oil wrestling is held as a customary practice of Pehlivan wrestling. Oiling of pehlivans in the field and Peşrev, which consists of a series harmonized warming up exercises and salutation, are important rituals of the festival. The festival goes on with the introduction of the pehlivans by cazgırs and at the end of the third day, the festival closes with the awarding of Kırkpınar Golden Belt to the winner called Chief Pehlivan. A band of 40 davul-zurna players perform ‘Kırkpınar tunes’ throughout the festival. What distinguishes Kırkpınar from any other wrestling festival is its rich cultural form which preserved its traditional image for centuries. Attracting people from all regions of Turkey, Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling Festival contributes greatly to social peace along with a sense of cultural cohesion. Such a rooted tradition which is sustained by the groups, communities and individuals contributes to dissemination of intangible cultural heritage concept as well. Kırkpınar can be considered as a fair with its authentic objects (red-bottomed candles, kıspets, local traditional clothes, peşgirs, zembils -a kind of tool for carrying the kıspet, tools for oil, davuls and zurnas, golden belt), rituals (praying, mevlid tradition, peşrev and oiling) and cultural identities ( pehlivan figure) (pehlivan, Kırkpınar agası (main sponsor), cazgır). Main Elements of the Festival Pehlivans Wrestlers who oil themselves are called pehlivans. The figure of pehlivan is an important element of cultural identity for Turkish people. Pehlivans are exemplary figures in the society with their attributes like generosity, honesty, adherence to traditions and customs and respectfulness. Therefore, the most chivalrous pehlivans or pehlivans that display the best peşrev are also rewarded. Pehlivans are trained in master-apprentice tradition. All the wrestlers in the festival are called ‘pehlivan’. The ultimate winner of the Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling is called Chief Pehlivan of Turkey and he carries the golden belt for one year’s period. The wrestler, who becomes chief pehlivan for three consecutive years, also becomes the owner of the golden belt. Kırkpınar Aga Concept of aga is one of the most fundamental elements of Kırkpınar Oil-Wrestling. The concept of Aga is regarded as an institutional identity. As pehlivans, agas are also considered as exemplary figures in the society who adhere to traditions. Kırkpınar Aga is officially recognized by the state and thus a car with a red plate (a type of official plate) written Kırkpınar Aga on is specifically allocated to the Aga. This red plate is valid at least for one year during the period of Agalık. Following the festival opening, agalık for next year is announced. The one who offers to make the highest financial contribution to cover the festival costs is designated as Kırkpınar Aga for the next year. This tradition is one of the most important elements as regards to the sustainability of the festival. Kırkpınar Aga is the main sponsor of the festival events. Cazgır Also known as salavatçıs, cazgırs introduce all the pehlivans to the audience citing their names, titles, skills in verse format and through prayers and they start the match. They are also supposed to introduce the opponents to each other after the pairing up, praying and informing both sides about the strong points each opponent has with advices. They need to have a fine strong voice and be able to improvise prayers in verse. Cazgırs strive to maintain unity within the field and bring the pehlivans together in a common spirit. Their talks inspire and excite the people around. They utter prayers called salavat in a musical style which catalyzes the enthusiasm of the participants. Cargırs are acknowledged as a profession and they come from a master-apprentice tradition. Davul - Zurna players As another essential element of oil wrestling festival, davul-zurna players are trained in masterapprentice tradition. Kırkpınar music which is known as pehlivan tunes is played exclusively in this festival. A group of 40 davul-zurna players perform during the festival. In Edirne, three different associations have been established to perform musical pieces for Kırkpınar Festival. During the festival, davul-zurna band performs in traditional dresses. Instruments of Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling ▶Kıspet Kıspet is the basic outfit of a pehlivan. They are a kind of thick trousers made of water buffalo or cow leather. Currently, kıspet is tailored by a limited number of masters in Çanakkale and Samsun provinces. ▶Zembil Zembil, a traditional handcraft, which is a hand-made instrument produced on a special reed workbench. Zembil is only made and used for carrying the kıspet. ▶Red Bottomed Candle This candle is the official symbol of invitation for Kırkpınar. In the past these candles were hung in coffee houses of towns and villages to indicate the townsfolk were invited to the Kırkpınar.
Social and cultural significance The main theme of the festival is oil wrestling and as for the oil wrestling, pehlivans are the main figures. Pehlivans oil themselves before the match. Pehlivans are culturally important figures for Turkish people. Pehlivans are exemplary figures in the society with their attributes like generosity, honesty, adherence to traditions and customs and respectfulness. This cultural identity is transmitted by pehlivans to younger pehlivan candidates. Hence the sustainability of pehlivan tradition is achieved. This practice has been preserved in the same way for centuries. Kırkpınar Wrestling Events are a series of ceremonies and rituals which attract people of all ages from everywhere and are enjoyed with great excitement. Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling, also known as men’s field, is open to all people from all cultures, regions and ages without discriminating between religions, languages or races. This quality of the events makes them humanistic and peaceful. Proving its creativity with its authentic tunes and oral works (cazgırs’ prayers and poems) this element would be highly visible as a good example of human creativity. Cazgırs have an important mission as the vessels who establish the dialogue between the pehlivans and audience coming from all around Turkey and abroad. Cazgırs, as important bearers of ICH, contribute the establishment of the dialogue between people from different cultures through their poetic prayers called as dualama. Besides being an arena for oil wrestling, in a sense, Kırkpınar is also a grand feast where entertainment and culinary culture are displayed and cultural exchange is achieved. This carnival atmosphere contributes to the development of social dialogue. This tradition is equally creative in the area of handicrafts. Kıspets and zembils, prepared exclusively for oil wrestling, are produced by using special techniques. Therefore the continuation of the traditional craft of kıspet and zembil making depends on the sustainability of oil wrestling.
Transmission method Pehlivans are trained in master-apprentice tradition. davul-zurna players are trained in master-apprentice tradition. The continuation of the traditional craft of kıspet and zembil making depends on the sustainability of oil wrestling. The main theme of the festival is oil wrestling and as for the oil wrestling, pehlivans are the main figures. Pehlivans are culturally important figures for Turkish people. Pehlivans are exemplary figures in the society with their attributes like generosity, honesty, adherence to traditions and customs and respectfulness. This cultural identity is transmitted by pehlivans to younger pehlivan candidates. Hence the sustainability of pehlivan tradition is achieved. This practice has been preserved in the same way for centuries. Safeguarding through Legislation Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling is under the protection of “Regulation of Historical Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling” which was published in the Official Gazette on May 23, 2000. The regulation sets out the frame for the implementation/implementing body and supervision. The main goal of the steering committee of the organization is to ensure the preservation of the traditional form of Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling and to supervise the activities of bodies/institutions concerned. Academic Contribution Kırkpınar Physical and Sports Education Department in the University of Trakya has been founded in order to establish an educational staff for the safeguarding of Kırkpınar. Thus, academic studies on Kırkpınar oil wrestling are conducted in this department. Contribution of NGOs To contribute the safeguarding and the transmission of Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling culture, Edirne Historical Kırkpınar Culture and Solidarity Association has established “Kırkpınar House” in Edirne. This center can be considered as a museum with its collection of documents for nationals and foreigners as well as various ethnographic items. This center has an important function with regard to promotion of the element. In Kırkpınar Symposium, which was held for the 5th time this year, the musicality of the events (davul-zurna / tunes / rhythm) was particularly studied and was promoted on a wider scale. There are three davul-zurna ensembles in Edirne accompanying Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling Events, each ensemble consisting of 50 members and 150 persons in total. Public Institution A “Kırkpınar Odası” (Kırkpınar section) has been included in Islamic Arts Museum located within Edirne Selimiye Mosque Complex. This section, consisting of various ethnographic items, photographs and written documents, is frequently visited by national and international visitors. Media Until today, institutions such as Turkish Wrestling Foundation, Institution for Art of Photography and Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) have contributed in various ways to the promotion and sustainability of this element. Traditionally, every year, Kırkpınar Photography Contest is organized by Edirne Municipality. Participatory Support The great interest among the public has been a major factor for the survival of this element up to this day. Peoples’ support is not limited to attendance to the events but they also support the tradition like presenting gifts to e.g pehlivans.
Community Edirne Municipality, Governorship of Edirne, Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism of Edirne, Edirne Historical Kırkpınar Culture and Solidarity Association, Trakya University, Local History Community, Edirne Historical Kırkpınar Davul-Zurna (Bass Drum-Surnay) Band, Edirne Kırkpınar Musicians Association, Association for Promotion of Edirne Culture and Handcrafts, Romani Dance Ensemble
Type of UNESCO List Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Incribed year in UNESCO List 2010

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