

Traditional custom of making felt
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00000272
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
    throughout the Mongolia
Description Mongols use the felt for their daily life, such as to cover the ger, to make carpet and make clothes. Prior to making felt, the family sets the good day to make a felt and announces it to the neighbors, relatives and friends in its vicinity. The family who is going to make felt prepares fermented mare’s milk and other dairy products, and butchers a sheep for those who are going to assist in felt making. The previously made sample felt is laid on the ground with well grown grass. Three layers of woolens are alternately laid and spread out on the sample felt and each layer is evenly sprinkled with water. After the third layer, the layers of wool along with the sample felt are wrapped around the pole. This roll of wool is then covered with soaked hide and tightly bound together with rope. Two men on horseback then pull the roll to make the felt “whiter as snow and tighter as bone”.
Social and cultural significance Felt made products are main part of tourism souvenir products in Mongolia. Souvenir making SMEs and communities buy or produce their own felt for products thei make. Also felt is widely used in ger making - the Mongolian traditional housing.
Transmission method by participation in the making process of felt
Community To be identified
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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