

Traditional wrestling - ‘Kurosh’
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00000413
    Country Kyrgyzstan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    All regions of Kyrgyzstan
    Year of Designation 2008
Description Kyrgyz wresting ‘Kurosh’ is one of the most ancient types of wrestling of the Kyrgyz people. Athletes wear belts and white loose pants without a shirt on. Wrestlers stand one in front of another and hold each other by the belt with both hands. A wrestler must have at least one hand on the belt of his opponent during the match. One cannot grab opponent’s legs with hands but foot sweeps are allowed. The one whose thigh, body or head touches the ground first loses. If athletes fall simultaneously and it is unclear who touched the ground first – the match starts over.
Social and cultural significance Legends and historical annals contain a wealth of information about prominent Kyrgyz wrestlers. Wrestling has become a part of traditional culture and has preserved its importance in modern days. Manas epic’s episode called Kokotoi’s funeral feast contains an account of a seven day long wrestling match of a Kyrgyz wise elder named Koshoi and Kalmak hero Joloi. It describes in great detail how wrestling starts, unfolds and also shows the details of wrestling that are forgotten now. The history of the Kyrgyz traditional wrestling ‘Kurosh’ goes back to the distant nomadic antiquity, when men needed to be able to show their strength, dexterity and willpower. The peculiarity of the Kyrgyz wrestling competitions is that all fights are accompanied by komuzchi (musicians playing the Kyrgyz national instrument komuz), who comment on the fights, glorifying the strength and courage of the competitors. Today kurosh is one of the most popular national sports in Kyrgyzstan.
Transmission method The specific features and knowledge concerning the element has been mainly transmitted in a natural way through demonstration. They are also transmitted to the players though participation in festive and social events in ordinary life, and to the audiences as well, through their ability of embracement as a mean of pleasure and traditional sport type, a subject of perception of the culture. Local and regional tournaments on Kurosh are held in Kyrgyzstan. There are numerous clubs and centers where children as well as adults may enroll and master their skills and knowledge.
Community Community of traditional games practitioners and wider community, Public Association "International Federation of Kyrgyz Kurosh"
Information source
National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO

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