

Tales, Legends and Stories
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001050
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations
    All over the country
Description Uzbek tales, legends and stories, like those of other peoples, are part of the oral folk art. The tale is based on traditional plot and refers to prose folklore. A legend is often about any historical events or personalities, and stories are genre of folklore non-fairytale prose, passed down from generation to generation and developing historical themes in its folk interpretation. Tale is one of the most ancient and mass genres of Uzbek oral folk art. Oral stories, which are constructed based on fantastic ideas and artistic fiction, and which bear didactic idea and purpose, are called "tale" (in Uzbek – "ertak"). While representing an example of intangible cultural heritage, tales reflect, to a certain degree, worldview, national character, lifestyle and thinking of the people. Important role in the emergence of tales occupy ancient myths, traditions, rituals and customs. Although in Uzbek folklore studies the term "ertak" is used to denote a tale, in various regions of Uzbekistan this genre is commonly known as "matal", "ushuq", "varsaqi" and "chopchak". Legend is a verbal story, which is transmitted from generation to generation and is mixed with magic, sorcery and dreams. It is one of the examples of intangible cultural heritage. Legend, being one of the most ancient genres of oral folk art of Uzbeks, narrates about events and occurrences, in which notions aimed at understanding and perceiving reality based on artistic storyline, are embodied. For this reason, in legend it is possible to find brief information about social life, people's worldviews, traditions and customs and historical events. Story is a narration, which is done verbally. In terms of origin and historical roots it is considered one of the examples of ancient folklore and as such represents an element of intangible cultural heritage. It is a work of small size without commonly established form, which describes certain historical occurrence (that took place in the past) or past event by means of artistic fiction.
Social and cultural significance Although in our modern world, where the traditions of the people and moral rules of the family are also subject to changes, kindergartens, interest studios, schools give efforts for upbringing of young children, telling tales, legends and stories remains an important factor in the formation of their personality. Thus, they take lessons of simple everyday wisdom, in other words, folk tales act as a kind of instrument of socialization in the modern world. Listening to them, the child comprehends the relationship of people, learns to find a way out of difficult situations and overcome various difficulties, and most importantly, to distinguish good from evil, believe in the power of truth and justice, which is very important in the moral development of the child. Psychologists say that the impressions of childhood will last a very long time in the mind of the child, and at the same time they affect the behavior and mood of an adult. Children do not forget those readings and discussions of fairy tales, legends and stories, that were with their mother or grandmother during the evening hours. In Uzbekistan, special attention is also paid to the purposeful upbringing of children through fairy tales, legends and stories: books are published, discs are published, entire television channels work.
Transmission method The element is an integral part of Uzbek folklore. It is passed from generation to generation, in the family, makhalla, kindergarten, school. It is specially studied in educational institutions of the philological direction. Books for children, special literature are published. Specialized research institutes such as the Institute of the Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan are working on this topic. Theaters, film studios, radio and television are applying efforts to preserve and use the element.
Community Families, kindergartens, schools, hobby groups in culture centers, philological universities, the Institute of the Uzbek language, literature and folklore
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity