

Khalfa (songstress) art
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001065
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Performing Arts
    Khorezm Region and Karakalpakstan Republic
    Year of Designation 2011
Description Khalfa is a woman-performer of folk songs and instrumental music, a poetess in Khoresm Oasis, who embodies traditions of oral folk art. In terms of activity, there are the following types of khalfas: khalfa sozi (khalfa-musician), who performs folk instrumental melodies; khalfa yodoghiy (khalfa-singer and khalfa-poetess), who performs folk songs at wedding ceremonies and festivities, while accompanying her singing by playing on a musical instrument; khalfa kitobiy (khalfa-book lover), who reads old books of religious themes during commemoration and rituals events ("mushkulkushod" – literally "relief"); khalfa dostonchi (khalfa-narrator); khalfa raqqosa or khalfa oyinchi (khalfa-dancer). In Khoresm two directions of khalfa performance became widespread, i.e. ensemble performance and solo performance. In ensemble performance it is possible to see a leading woman-performer, who sings songs under accompaniment of accordion (i.e. Russian diatonic accordion, which has been existence in Khoresm since XIX centure and which is called "qol soz"), doira player (who accompanies singing by playing on doira; sometimes she can act as a dancer as well) and dancers (who accompany singing with their dances; they usually dance with kajraks (castanets), or sometimes, sing along and play on doira).
Social and cultural significance Khalfas are welcome participants of family festivities (i.e. weddings, folk festivals, women's get-togethers, etc.). Khalfa yodoghi opens a wedding feast, i.e. Nikoh toy (wedding ceremony) by performing wedding-related ritual songs (such as Toy muborak, Toy boshlovi, Yor-yor, Kelin va Kuyov qutlovi) and conclude by singing a song called "Toy javobi". Khalfa art is still popular among the population of Khoresm region and some regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. For the purposes of safeguarding and popularization of khalfa art under Music School of Khiva Children's Khalfa School was established. Currently, the traditions associated with this genre are mastered not only through "ustoz-shogird" ("master-apprentice") traditional method of learning, but also through studying at music schools of Khiva, art colleges of Urgench and Ellikqala. Moreover, khalfas regularly participate in review competition of bakhshi-shoirs. In Khoresm and Republic of Karakalpakstan various competitions of khalfa performers are organized (in particular, there is a competition of Khalfa performers, which has been organized since 2013 within the framework of the festival "Nafosat bostonim manim" in Ellikqala region of Karakalpakstan). Khalfas also demonstrated their art and skill at "Boysun Bahori" Open Folklore Festival, "Asrlar sadosi" Festival of Traditional Culture and "Sharq taronalari" International Music Festival (in Samarkand). In addition, festival of Khalfa art is organized Khiva (Khoresm region, since 2016).
Transmission method Currently the traditions associated with this genre are mastered not only hrough“ustoz-shogird” (master-apprentice) traditional method of learning, but also through studying at music schools and art colleges. In Khorezm and in Karakalpakstan various competitions of Khalfa performers are organized. It is performed at weddings and public events. The Institute of National Musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi is working in this direction also.
Community Separate groups serving in family events. Khalfa traditions arenbeing continued in Khorezm region and such places of the Republic of Karakalpakstan as Ellikqala, Totrkol, Beruni.
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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