

Rope walking and under-rope performances
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001070
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Performing Arts
    All over the country, especially Fergana Valley regions
    Year of Designation 2011
Description Rope walking and under-rope performances are a genre of folk-spectacular art and have deep history. Some written sources testify that in the palace of Amir Temur magnificent performances were staged with participation of ropewalkers. There is also information that Uzbek ropewalkers demonstrated in the past (i.e. in XVIII- XIX centuries) their skills in China, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia and other countries. But with a lapse of time rope walking developed significantly, so that ropes began to be mounted on a much higher height. Later rope walking began to be performed in circus arenas and became an integral part of circus art. Notably, the performances of ropewalkers were always combined with those of polvons (strongmen), illusionists, dancers, qiziqchi and askiyachi (comedians and wisecrackers) as well as with traditional circus-related performances (such as walking on stilts, tricks, acrobatics, equilibristic, legerdemain; tamed bears, snakes, monkeys, horses, goats, etc.).
Social and cultural significance In general, dorbozlik is a family-based tradition. And knowledge and skills (as well as relevant props, which may include musical instruments, such as doira, or items necessary for staging performances) associated with this art are transmitted from generation to generation based on "ustoz-shogird" ("master-apprentice") methodology. Also currently the traditions of dorbozlik art are mastered in Republican College of Variety and Circus Art. Furthermore, dorboz troupes constantly participate in holidays events as Navruz and Independence Day, in international tourist fairs, etc. Some changes were introduced to the repertoires of ropewalkers as well. Thanks to the usage of safety measures, new, more difficult stunts began to be performed. These included joint performances of several ropewalkers (for example, carrying a partner on one's shoulders or head; carrying two persons on both sides of langar; jumping over another ropewalker, who sits on the rope, etc.), somersaults, standing upside-down, etc. Traditional stunts, performed with yokes, knives, jumps and supports, remained as well. At present, besides professional dorbozes of the State Circus of Uzbekistan (they are called "Dorbozes of Uzbekistan") there are more than 40 family-based groups and troupes of dorbozes, which function in all regions of the country. Nowadays, Uzbek dorbozes demonstrate their performances in many foreign countries as well.
Transmission method Rope-walking knowledge and skills which are being taught on 'master-apprentice' tradition, which is practiced by many dorbozs' family dynasties. Among Dorbozs dinasties it could be marked sucvh as Tashkenbayevs, Kamilovs and other.
Community Uzbek Association of rope walkers, Among Dorbozs community it could be separately marked groups "Polvon", "Andijan samosi", "Madamin dorboz" , "Kosonsoy dorbozlari", "Qoqand minori" etc.
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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