

  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001075
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Performing Arts
    All over the country
Description Ethnosport is a form of preserving the gaming heritage and is a system for restoring ethno-motor skills lost in urbanization. It is aimed at solving the problems of encouraging and developing traditional types of physical activity that form the basis of traditional games. Ethnosport activities form motor skills that only those who lead a traditional lifestyle possess. Based on this main position, ethnosport can be defined as an institutional form of a single socio-cultural space for organizations involved in the development of traditional types of physical activity. Types of ethnosport are formed according to ethnicity - for example, Russian ethnosport, Uzbek ethnosport, French ethnosport, etc. They represent the entire set of games and motorical activities that exist in a particular ethno-cultural environment. The certain types of traditional competitions is also could be named as ethnosport.
Social and cultural significance In modern society, sport is perceived much more widely. Modern sports are constantly being replenished with new and new sports. Various types of physical activity were sportized, along with those that owe their origin to the technologies of the industrial era; some traditional types of physical activity that existed throughout the history of mankind became sports. Ethno-sport is an alternative form of sports development, it aims to preserve the game heritage of mankind and implements the tasks of promoting and developing traditional types of physical activity that form the basis of traditional games. This sport is also developing in Uzbekistan, competitions are held, collecting, rules are developed, prizes are awarded to winners. Among those involved in this sport there are representatives of different ages and professions. The importance of this sport is growing with the growing interest in it from young people, especially in rural areas.
Transmission method Families, kindergartens, schools, hobby groups in culture centers, mahalla, sport sections, sportive educational institutions, Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its branchesparticipate in transmission of the element. Huge role belong to competitions, festivals and other events.
Community Families, kindergartens, schools, hobby groups in culture centers, mahalla, sport sections, sportive educational institutions, Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its branches
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity