

Religious rites
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001079
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    All over the country
Description Islam plays a large role in the social and family life of Uzbeks. At the same time, Uzbeks cannot be called fanatical Muslims - for all the multifaceted nature of local life, there is always a lot of secular in it, and the tolerance of local residents is widely known outside the country. As you know, a faithful Muslim must turn to God five times a day at a certain time ("namaz"), voluntarily deduct from his income the benefits of the poor or for godly deeds, during the month of Ramazan observe fasting, make a pilgrimage, etc. Many Uzbeks try to follow these requirements. Also, religious customs and traditions of Uzbeks include the celebration of Kurban bayram and Iid al-Fitr, attend Friday prayers, take seriously their family duties, perform charity and other godly deeds.
Social and cultural significance Traditions and customs of the Uzbek people have been formed for centuries in the valleys of the Amu Darya, Syr Darya and Zarafshan rivers. Parts of the land of Khorezm, Sogdiana, Bactria - the territory of present-day Uzbekistan, became a pillar for the formation of culture, which later became the basis of the culture of the peoples of Uzbekistan. The traditions and customs of Uzbekistan are very distinctive, bright and diverse, dating back to different eras and religions. For centuries, the traditions and customs of the Uzbek people remained almost unchanged, despite the gravitation of numerous invaders to force alien foreign culture. A major influence on the formation of customs and traditions was exerted by Arabs who spread the religion of Islam throughout Central Asia. The foundations of Islam were united with pre-Islamic beliefs and traditions, with local culture and firmly entrenched in the minds of the Uzbek people. From generation to generation, for centuries, the customs and traditions of Uzbeks are transmitted and carefully preserved. Like many peoples of Asia, most of the festive customs are associated with family celebrations - the birth of a child, a wedding. These events include many ceremonies and rituals involving parents, children, brothers, sisters, close and distant relatives and even neighbors and guests - each has its own role. The basis of Uzbek traditions is hospitality, veneration of the elders and collectivism. Especially often they are manifested in mahallas.
Transmission method In the conditions of Uzbekistan, religious rites should be understood as a wide range of customs and activities related to various circumstances of life, and territorial, national, and confessional differences should be taken into account. In this regard, the transfer of knowledge and skills occurs within the family, locality, various professional, national, confessional and social groups. Some customs are covered in the media, taught in schools. Research work is also carried out in the relevant institutions.
Community Families, mahalla, Department of Religious Affairs, mosques, churches, synagogues etc.
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity