

Traditional medicine
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001083
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
    All over the country
    Year of Designation 2011
Description Traditional medicine is the collective name of methods claiming the ability to treat (or prevent) diseases whose effectiveness and safety have not been proven by a scientific method. Typical examples are homeopathy, acupuncture and naturopathy. Despite prevalence of contemporary medicine in Uzbekistan, it is possible to observe the existence of traditional (folk) healing practice as well. Folk healers conditionally can be divided into the following types: • Folk healers who heal their patients manually (who do manual therapy) • Folk healers who heal their patients with a help of words and songs (psychotherapy) • Folk healers who heal with a help of drugs (treatment by using natural drugs).
Social and cultural significance As other countries of the East, in Uzbekistan traditional medicine has also ancient roots. This is testified by the works of Abu Ali ibn Sino (Avicenna), who was born not far from Bukhara (Afshona village). And it was him, who gathered some unique methods of treatment and curing, which, later on, formed the foundations of contemporary medicine. Currently, there are a certain number of patients accessing the services of traditional medicine. The main significance of the element is the recognition of the right to exist for alternative treatments. It should be noted that the World Health Organization is implementing the Traditional Medicine Strategy for 2014 - 2023 years. Accordingly, Uzbekistan has also taken serious steps in this area, one of which is the recently adopted Decision on additional measures for the development of folk medicine in the Republic of Uzbekistan. So, in state medical institutions of the district (city), regional and republican levels, as well as in non-state clinics offices of folk medicine were opened. Also in the structure of the Ministry of Health created the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Folk Medicine, centers for the development of folk medicine, created in specialized higher educational institutions and technical schools of public health named after Abu Ali ibn Sino. It is also possible to note the work of non-governmental organizations in this area, the largest of which is the Academy of Folk Medicine of Uzbekistan.
Transmission method Knowledge associated with folk medical practice, by passing from generation to generation, evolved for several centuries. As a rule, this knowledge is kept in secret and transmitted from father to son. Only in rare instances skillful doctors select their students (apprentices) from among the outsiders. The process of selection and obtaining the status of a student (apprentice) is a complicated one, which requires significant efforts and time.
Community Association of Untraditional Medicine of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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