

Knowledge and skills related to agriculture
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001085
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
    All over the country
    Year of Designation 2011
Description While primitive forms of early agriculture on the territory of Uzbekistan emerged in the late Stone Age, the emergence of irrigated agriculture dates back to the beginning of the II millenium B.C., and can be observed on the territory of Bactria (present-day Surkhandarya region). Based on great experience and methods gained through studying the agriculture delicate fenologic observations were discovered. Specific agriculture traditions and ceremonies were also formed. Having passed successfully through frosty days and waited impatiently for warm spring days, farmers, gardeners and cattlebreeders carefully prepared for large-scale agricultural works (i.e. prepared their ploughs, harrows and horses, repaired carts, made tools ready for usage). Thus, for centuries, agricultural knowledge and skills have been accumulated, which is transmitted from generation to generation.
Social and cultural significance As you know, agriculture is the oldest, most basic branch of the economy, which will never lose its significance. Today, food security and the production of environmentally friendly products are becoming relevant in the world. Therefore, the country pays special attention to the modernization and diversification of the agricultural sector, the cultivation of food crops, systemic reforms are being carried out in order to increase dekhkan incomes through the rational use of water and land resources, the accelerated introduction of market principles into the relationships of agricultural entities, advanced science and technology, and the cultivation of environmentally friendly and export-oriented products. The question that dekhkan and farmers have been taking care of for several years is how to ensure high-quality processing and supply of grown fruits and vegetables to domestic and foreign markets, preventing their spoiling and loss. In this case, the Dehkane receive comprehensive assistance and assistance from the state. For example, in order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the approval of the Strategy for the Development of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020 - 2030 years," it is planned to produce products with high added value in the fruit growing and viticulture industry, increasing the volume of exports, development of decommissioned and rich lands, increasing the sowing of export-oriented crops in areas released from under cotton and cereals, and the effective use of orchards, vineyards and greenhouses. For all this, the knowledge and skills of dekhkan are worthy of help.
Transmission method Transmitted from father to son and from master to apprentice. Also there are training programmes in Agriculture university, specialized colleges and others.
Community Families, farms, collectives everywhere in the country
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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