Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright Manage No EE00001103 Country Uzbekistan ICH Domain Traditional craft skills Address Navoi, Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent, Qashqadarya, Namangan and Fergana regionsYear of Designation 2011
Description | Stone carving (stone cutting) is an ancient art of Uzbeks as well. Artefacts found during archaeological excavations say, that the very first treated stones in Uzbekistan belong to the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age. The masters of those times knew how to process the stone, knew the techniques for transporting heavy solid stones, used lever devices to lift them, knew which stones were lighter and which were more difficult to process, already had tools to give pattern and relief to the stone. Their wide use of granite, marble, limestone and gypsum is indicated by excavations of ancient monuments in southern Uzbekistan - in the towns of Koratepe, Fayaztepe, Ayritash. Here Buddhist temples were decorated with carved stone, sculptures were created from stone. Later, stone cutting became a craft, and the art of stone carving reached its height in Maverannahr, Khorasan, Khorezm and other territories. For example, during the reign of Amir Temur, architectural masterpieces such as Gor-Emir, Shahi-Zinda, the Bibihanum mosque, the Ahmad Yassawi mausoleum and much more were created, where magnificent sculptures and carved stone with letters are presented. The displaced stone is magnificent - the tombstone of the great Temur and the grates carved from marble in Gori Emir. A lot of stone and marble was used in the architecture of ancient Khiva. The entire foundation of the palaces is laid out there by them, and they are all carved from geometric and floral figures. The stone-cutting walls of the Khiva Palace of Tashavli can be considered a magnificent example of beautiful stone carving, it is therefore called the Stone Courtyard. There are several types of stone carving: line threads, chain, lattice, deep, multi-layer, flat threads, etc. It also matters which stone works with - soft, pliable, medium hardness or hard. |
Social and cultural significance | Stone carving, along with carving in ganch, wood, bone, as well as coinage of metal is one of the types of carving in Uzbek applied art, . This art reached its height on the territory of Maverannahr, Khorasan and Khorezm in the 14th and 15th centuries. Amir Temur from his empire attracted skilled craftsmen, including masonry craftsmen for the construction and decoration of palaces, mosques, madrassas and mausoleum. Nowadays, work with stone has become important in the applied art of modern craftsmen of Uzbekistan, and a priority in ennobling cities and buildings. The building of the Navoi Opera and Ballet Theater, Tashkent Chimes, the North Station in the capital, the buildings of the Republican Academy of Sciences, concert halls, the Forums palace, granite and marble works at metro stations, on the buildings of the Museum of History of Uzbekistan and the Uzbek Drama Theater and much more are the splendor of the creative mental spirituality of Uzbeks. Many masters are united by the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, the Association of Architects and other organizations. The traditions of craft are passed down from generation to generation. Their study is included in the program of specialized secondary and higher educational institutions. During the current construction upturn in Uzbekistan, this art is very popular, there is a demand for the services of skilled craftsmen abroad. |
Transmission method | Transmission of knowledge and skills is taking place on the basis of traditional non-formal learning method Usto-Shogird (“Master-Apprentice”) and/or within formal educational programmes in specialized educational establishments. |
Community | Republican "Khunarmand" Association and its regional branches |
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity
http://www.folklore.uzMaterials related to
Stone processing
Impressive buildings, great masterpieces were created by processing natural stones. In the territory of Uzbekistan, the secrets of the art of processing natural stones were known since ancient times. In particular, the people who lived near the marble mines learnt processing this type of stone. Gazgon village of Nurota region is famous for its sangtaroshs (stone processors). Among residents of this place, the art of sangtaroshlik (stone processing) has been passed from ancestors to generations.The objects made by masters processing marble can be divided into three types:n1. Household objectsn2. Tombstonesn3. Pillars and decorations for buildings
Uzbekistan -
Stone processing
Impressive buildings, great masterpieces were created by processing natural stones. In the territory of Uzbekistan, the secrets of the art of processing natural stones were known since ancient times. In particular, the people who lived near the marble mines learnt processing this type of stone. Gazgon village of Nurota region is famous for its sangtaroshs (stone processors). Among residents of this place, the art of sangtaroshlik (stone processing) has been passed from ancestors to generations.The objects made by masters processing marble can be divided into three types:n1. Household objectsn2. Tombstonesn3. Pillars and decorations for buildings
Uzbekistan -
Stone processing
Impressive buildings, great masterpieces were created by processing natural stones. In the territory of Uzbekistan, the secrets of the art of processing natural stones were known since ancient times. In particular, the people who lived near the marble mines learnt processing this type of stone. Gazgon village of Nurota region is famous for its sangtaroshs (stone processors). Among residents of this place, the art of sangtaroshlik (stone processing) has been passed from ancestors to generations.The objects made by masters processing marble can be divided into three types:n1. Household objectsn2. Tombstonesn3. Pillars and decorations for buildings
Uzbekistan -
Stone processing
Impressive buildings, great masterpieces were created by processing natural stones. In the territory of Uzbekistan, the secrets of the art of processing natural stones were known since ancient times. In particular, the people who lived near the marble mines learnt processing this type of stone. Gazgon village of Nurota region is famous for its sangtaroshs (stone processors). Among residents of this place, the art of sangtaroshlik (stone processing) has been passed from ancestors to generations.The objects made by masters processing marble can be divided into three types:n1. Household objectsn2. Tombstonesn3. Pillars and decorations for buildings