

The custom of giving ablution to a child
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001158
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    throughout the Mongolia
    Year of Designation 1987
Description Mongolians consider childbirth as a good omen. Mongols perform an ablution to a child in order to honor the one who has adapted the form of a precious human being and has been born on the earth as a little citizen of the state. A new born baby is washed ceremonially with pure water of its birthplace and welcomed by parents and relatives, and life-long name is given. It is a sole that a midwife, who plays a main role in the custom of naming and giving ablution to a child, is considered as the most respected guest of that custom. People who joined in this ceremony including midwife are giving gifts to new born child, such as clothes and items, and close relatives give a foal, calf and baby camel for purpose of preparing livestock of future herder. During the ceremony, people say praises, sing a lullaby and songs that compliments the parent.
Social and cultural significance Expresses family's well-wishing for a child. It also custom of sharing experience to new parents and share their happines. At the ablution of the child guests sing lullabies, songs symbolizing the infant's future, and songs that extol the parents' kindness.
Transmission method apprenticeship training and participation in the ceremony
Community Very popular custom among Mongolians
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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