

Mongolian traditional ornaments
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001219
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
    throughout the Mongolia
Description Ornaments are a very important part of the Mongolian decorative arts. They represent traditional artistic expressions that depict the origin, essence, and meaning of various things and phenomena of our life and the universe. Mongolians describe ornamental figures in three different ways: animal-ornamental patterns with geometric motifs are called khee (pattern), ornamental patterns with round curved grooves are called ugalz (scrolls), and ornamental patterns with dualistic features are called arga bilig (spiral patterns). For their purpose and placement, the ornamental patterns are classified as central ornaments, corner ornaments, angle ornaments, and fringe ornaments. Mongolian ornaments may be classified plant ornament, animal ornament, natural phenomena ornament, geometric ornament and banner ornament.
Social and cultural significance Traditional ornaments are very common in products of household, in traditional clothes design, art products and souvenirs.
Transmission method formal, academic and informal training/ apprenticeship training
Community Mongolian state University of Culture and Arts, "Unique Idea" NGO
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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