

Kurash (Wrestling)
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001254
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Performing Arts
    Karakalpakstan Republik, Surkhandarya, Qashqadarya, Sirdarya, Jizzakh and Tashkent regions
    Year of Designation 2015
Description Kurash is a type of national fight traditional among Turkic peoples, which is officially included in the world network of non-Olympic sports and is supported by UNESCO. Kurash is the oldest type of martial arts, the roots of which are located on the territory of modern Uzbekistan. According to the latest scientific research, the age of Kurash is at least three and a half thousand years. Kurash is one of the most ancient types of martial arts known to humanity. Kurash is an Turkic word, in translation means - "achieving the goal in an honest way." In those ancient times, it was martial arts and public physical entertainment at traditional holidays, feasts and weddings. References to it can be found in many ancient literary sources.
Social and cultural significance Kurash (Eastern type of wrestling) means bringing up a person strong, adroit, tolerant and determined. The art of Kurash has existed in many nations since ancient times. Archeological findings, historical manuscripts prove that kurash was an indissoluble part of Uzbek lifestyle. According to Chinese manuscript “Tan-shu” weddings and other ceremonies were not conducted without kurash contests in Fergana valley. In ceramic object found from the territory of ancient Baqtriya (South of Uzbekistan) which belongs to jez period, the image of two wrestlers who were clinging each other were expressed. This type of struggle is designed to teach young people justice, honesty. There is a great interest in him. Competitions in this sport are regularly held at the republican and international levels. For instance, The International Kurash Association (IKA), founded in 1998, holds championships since 1999. So, we can consider meaning of the element quite high. Of particular note is the fact that the Presidential Decision approved the Concept for Raising the National Kurash Sport to a New Level until 2025.
Transmission method Widely developing art in Uzbekistan. Transmission of the art is mainly by organizing and performing Kurash contests at festivities and different public events.
Community Assossiation of Kurash in Uzbekistan, sportive sections, schools and other educational institutions
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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