

  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001276
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
    throughout the Mongolia
Description Dees is a rope twisted in the shape of an "S" or "Z." This rope is made from the wool and tail hairs of large livestock animals. Dees is used for making ropes that are interlaced or attached to one other. The interlacing is classified as single, double, black, variegated, and so on. Various types of interlacing, such as khoshlon (doubling), guramsan (thrice- doubling), and doromson (fourth-doubling), serve both artistic and practical functions. Mongolians have even invented a mechanic spinner for interlacing. The traditional art of creating images with dyed wool has almost been forgotten, but luckily this tradition has been rejuvenated by several contemporary artists.
Social and cultural significance to be studied
Transmission method by apprenticeship training and participitation in the process of making rope
Community by herders
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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