

Chàng slaw Paper Cutting of the Nùng Dín
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002024
    Country Vietnam
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
    Mường Khương District, Lào Cai Province
    Year of Designation 2013
Description It is a profession of making paper-cut paintings, associated with the community's life-cycle customs, done when organizing funerals. The product is an offering to pay tribute to the deceased. The set of paintings for a funeral includes: Funeral, money tree, paper horse and canopies... The chiseling is the most important step with two ways: chiseling directly on the paper size, or, perforating according to the patterns. They used tools including scissors, awls, chisels, and hammers. The art of using color has its own distinct characteristics, from the technique of mixing and dyeing to the mixing of colors. The pattern motif depicts people's concept of the underworld. They worship the ancestors of the profession and the teachers of the profession. Before accepting the job for any family, they all have to make a ceremony to ask permission from the teacher and the job group.
Community Mường Khương District, Lào Cai Province
Information source
ICHCAP(Minyung Jung)