

Marzai and giingoo, the songs of the horse-jockeys
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001020
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Performing Arts
    throughout the Mongolia
Description This melody is the specific part of ritual that dedicated to the swift horse and jockey for relaxing before and after the horse race. Mostly, this melody is singing at the before the race and after race and also in the long-distance training of swift horse. The tradition of singing a giingoo (jockey songs) before race or during the title recitation meant to encourage and calm the horses. The giingoo (zeengoo) and marzai share similar features with urtiin duu songs as wide-ranging vocal melodies and rhythms. The marzai is a well-wishing religious spell of Odserjmaa deity for well-being of jockey and a horse.
Social and cultural significance Researchers note that these songs share similar features with urtiin duu songs. The gijngoo songs use a very unique melody that links humans and their horses, and helps for them to understand and to cooperate with each other. When a good chanter sings a jockey song, not only his horse gets encouraged, but so do the people and other animals in the vicinity become encouraged.
Transmission method by apprenticeship training and participitation in the horse jockey
Community It can be said that almost every herding family participates in the Mongolian traditional festival Naadam, ceremonies of worshipping sacred mountains and local naadams by racing their horses. Before the start of the race, child participants sing the traditional “Giingoo” song.
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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