

Moson Shagai "Shooting of Ice Anklebone"
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001136
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    Arkhangai, Khuvsgul, Ulaanbaatar
Description In autumn, when the surface of the water freezes for the first time, the opening games start. In most cases, the games start when the river surface freezes completely and turns into ice. And the last anklebone shooting on the ice game of the year is played when in the spring when the ice starts to melt. This last game is considered of great importance, therefore food is prepared and locals gather to celebrate the festive shooting. The shooters sit in a circle on the ice and draw lots to decide with whom they will become a team. This practice called “shugshikh” and it’s done by gathering and mixing the bullets of each player in a “deel” (Mongolian traditional cloth) and picking them one by one to decide who will be teammates. Two people team up, and each player shoots 36 bullets.
Social and cultural significance Shooting of Ice Anklebone is performed today as part of winter festivals to support and promote the tradition and inherit it to next generation.
Transmission method by participitation in the game
Community to be identified
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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