

The craftsmanship of Mongol boots
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001222
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
    throughout the Mongolia
Description The Mongol boots are made up of vamps, leather bootlegs, hide soles, clips and welts. The Mongol boots are ideal for horse riding, they are spacious, and the upturned tips prevent one from being caught in the stirrups. Mongolian boots are named for the number of the ornaments on it, starting mostly from eight and extending up to thirty-two. The craftsmanship of Mongol boots is a complex art of hand-making workmanship of craftsmen skilled with their ancestral inheritance, through already-set and special technique, style and design.
Social and cultural significance Mongolian boots are widely usedin rural areas and in the cities in such occasions as Lunar New Year, Naadam Festival and other traditional celebrations, weddings, state cermonies etc., as part of traditional costume. It's also, main part of touristic cultural products obtained by locals and foreigners with equal interest. Modern costume designers and companies continue producing Mongol boots nowadays.
Transmission method by apprenticeship training
Community In terms of design and type of Mongolian shoes, there are many types such as Mongolian, Buryat, Oirat, Goson, Tsarag, Toohuu, wrestling, simple etc. Private fashion designing companies, To be identified
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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