

  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001285
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    throughout the Mongolia
Description Archery is one of the Three Manly Sports and it has its ancient roots. The distance of the contemporary sport of archery is 45 feet or 75-80 meters. The shooting targets made by weaving leather strips into a tub-shape. There are two forms of shooting targets. One is a walled target, another is an individual target. The wall target is the arrangement of targets in a stack. The individual target is the arrangement of targets in row. The archers can use only blunted arrows. Then two shooting teams alternately shoot and test their skills. During the archery, archers say ‘Khurai, khurai, khurai’, the encouragement of archers to shoot. The winners are awarded with title of Mergen or ‘good marksman’ and an epithet.
Social and cultural significance Archery is part of the traditional festivel Naadam. Traditional craftsmanship of the bow and arrow is used in production of the required equipments in participation of Naadam competitions. Also, individuals practice archery in personal interest.
Transmission method by apprenticeship training and participation in the archery
Community Mongolian Archery Association
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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