

Rogon Ni Sum e Mag Nu Waab(History of Yapese Tying Techniques and Patterns)
Description This is the history of how Yapese learned several tying patterns and techniques and about where they came from. It was read by Alukan, Bapilung, and Gaangin from the Old Age Program in Yap back in the late 1970s. The tying techniques, along with other traditional knowledge and skills, were handed down from up above, or, some may say, from heavens. The canoe was a gift from above as a means to pass knowledge and skills from heavens to humans in Yap. It is said that the canoe was lowered down on Gacham, a savannah in Tamil municipality. Native Yapese called it “canoe of knowledge” (ba m’uw i llowaen). Even today, you can still see the figure of the canoe and its outrigger that have turned into red dirt. In Yapese traditional culture, knowledge and skills are considered resources of a village. The chief of the village has the authority over the person or the village possessing the knowledge and skills. Therefore, people have to get approval from the chief of the village to learn or access such knowledge and skills. Yapese have used several old tying techniques up until today that are considered to have come from a spider. Legend has it that a nameless man from Nimar village in Weloy municipality observed and mastered all kinds of tying patterns and techniques from the spider on a canoe. These tying patterns and techniques are said to have been applied by the man to build a huge community meeting house named Wedbon in the northern part of Rull municipality. The people from Rull municipality asked this tying master from Nimar village if he could share his knowledge to help build the community meeting house, but he did not consult his chief in advance. The chief was furious that the tying master had never asked for his approval, and scolded him for not taking the proper steps. From then on, all other requests by other communities were channeled through the chief for his approval. Makiy village in Gagil municipality and Malon village in Maap’ municipality gained the approval from the chief to get the knowledge. The techniques and pattern later spread to the southern part of the island, namely Lamear and Ngariy villages in Rull municipality. Soon after, they were passed on from Ngariy to Kanif village in Dalipe Binaew municipality.
Manage No AI00000498
Country Federated States of Micronesia
Audio Performer Alukan, Bapilung, and Gaangin Year 1970
Place File Size 10
Definition File Format MP3
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