

Pwai moat ar rhoaput, Darmiy(Women’s Sitting Dance, Darmiy)
Description This dance features the women from Mogmog Island in Ulithi Atoll, who came down to Yap during the war and stayed in Daboch village in Tomil municipality. The dance portrays the lives of these women when they stayed in Daboch while their sons were taken by the Japanese for labor. The women cried for their sons, hoping and praying to see them return home safely. They lived in poverty and gathered around a river with poisonous ivy trees nearby and with many eels in the mangrove swamp. They called Daboch “Darmiy,” which means “heaven.” The second dance portrays how the women suffered after they lost their brothers and cousins. There was no one to help, protect, or provide for their own families. These women longed for their family members to return home safely. They also prayed for their security and to relieve their suffering.
Manage No AI00000522
Country Federated States of Micronesia
Audio Performer Women from Mogmog Island Year
Place File Size 9.64
Definition File Format MP3
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