

Propose Ritual of Buriads, Buriad Ber Guikh Deg Yos
Description Storytelling is an oral expression that recalls phenomenal events that occurred in society or human lives. The stories, which are expressed artistically, have a certain level of interest and are unique. The storyteller is an individual who has seen that special event or has heard of the events from other person who knows the event very well. Besides storytelling, this category includes materials of local dialects, folk talks of traditional rituals and customs, and the remembrances. The category of storytelling covers over fifty hours of recordings.
Manage No AI00000268
Country Mongolia
Audio Performer D. Togoo (64-year-old male, Buriad ethnicity) from Tsagaan-Ovoo, Dornod Year 1905
Place File Size 12.1
Definition File Format MP3
Copyright -

Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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