

Wayang Kulit
Description Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppet Play) is a traditional Malay theatre that utilises light and shadow of puppets. It is said to originate from Jawa, whilst others cite Patani as the source. The performance is now very popular in Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu. A Wayang Kulit performance is usually conducted in the evening. The performance is led by a Tuk Dalang who maneuvers puppets behind a white screen (kelir). Tuk Dalang and the puppets are strategically positioned in front ofnthe light from a hanging light bulb or gasoline-fueled lamp. Thus, only shadows of the puppets are seen on the screen. The reputation of a Tuk Dalang depends on his expertise in mimicking different voices of the characters. Puppets are made from leather with movable parts (upper arms, lower arms with hands) mounted on the body with wooden sticks. Their figures are based on specific characters from collections of tales from the Ramayana and Mahabrata epics. Popular characters include Seri Rama, Sita Dewi, Wak Long, Pak Dogol and Hanuman. Wayang Kulit performance is accompanied by a musical ensemble which consists of seven to eight members. The musical instruments used includes canang (gong), geduk, gendang (drum), rebab (violin), gedombak, serunai, and kesi (small cymbals).
Place File Size 10345 KB
Definition 4256 x 2832 File Format jpg
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Information source
The Malaysia Arts Cultural Practitioners Association (MACPA)

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