

Melodies for coaxing the animals
  • Manage No PI00002305
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description There is a specific ritual that is done in a tuneful utterance when a new mother-animal rejects its newborn or when a newborn becomes orphaned. This ritual is believed to encourage the mother-animal to accept its newborn. The ritual is one of the examples that depict the bond between herders and their livestock animals. These coaxing melodies of the ritual have become absorbed into poems and songs and constitute an important element of Mongolian oral tradition as well as an allegory about the importance of patience and acceptance in relationships.
Place throughout the Mongolia File Size 15667.2 KB
Definition 5120 x 3413 File Format jpg
Copyright -
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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