

Falconry, traditional hunting with birds of prey
  • Manage No PI00002448
    Country Kazakhstan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe, Traditional craft skills
Description Falconry or traditional hunting with birds of prey has been long popularized among people who lived in vast steppe and mountainous areas - the habitat of the birds of prey. Kazakh people tamed different species of falcons, eagles and other birds of prey like Burkyts (golden eagles) and various falco representatives. Every species has been accustomed to certain region and climatic environment - northern regions, mountains of Zhungar and Zaili Alatau, bold mountains or mountains with forested and rocky slopes, plains and steppes with scarce vegetation, desserts and etc.
Place Eastern and Southern Kazakhstan File Size 103 KB
Definition 1024 x 683 File Format jpg
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Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

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