

  • Manage No PI00003002
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description Moshkichiri is one of the most delicious and substantial food among Uzbek national foods. For preparing moshkichiri the onions are cut and fried during 5 minutes in heated oil. Then the meat is put to the pot (lahm meat, fat, gut, etc.). Once the meat products are roasted cold water is poured.nAfter that, green beans are added and the boiler is slightly bated. Thus the soup is boiled about 30 minutes or more until all the green beans are opened. After all the bean has been fully opened, the rice is washed in a small bowl and added. After a while salt is added and the fire rised to an average level. The pot is permanently mixed so that the containers do not get into the bottom. When the moshkichiri is slightly liquid, the fire is turned off and the meal is put to the bigger plate. a pre-made topping is put on top of it. To prepare the peanut butter onion sauce, finely chopped onion is fried until it is red and the onion turns brown.
Place File Size 468 KB
Definition 1920 x 1280 File Format jpg
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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