

Inn Yoe Yar Ozi Kyi (Traditional Big Drum)
  • Manage No PI00004978
    Country Myanmar
    Year 2014-07-07
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Description Cut a piece of Yamanay wood into desired length and carve the wood into the shape of Ozi. Then, the head is covered with leather and the body is lacquered. Due to its huge size, this Ozi is shouldered by two men to play. It is played by hitting with a stick wrapped with cloth. This traditional Ozi is usually played with by five brass gongs and brass cymbals. He’-yar Ywarma Village has a lifespan of 504 years. In this village, He’-yar festival is annually held in Dazaunmon (November). The traditional Ozi Kyi is played in this occasion and in Phaungtaw U Pagoda festival. -4 feet 5 inches in length -2 feet 1 inch in diameter of the head -6 feet 8 inches in circumference of the head -1 feet 6 inches in length of chicken breast -2 feet 9 inches in length of Padain -3 feet in circumference of Padain -6 feet 8 inches in circumference of lower part -6 feet 8 inches in circumference of the bottom
Place He’-yar-ywar-ma Village, Naung Shwe Township, Inlay Region, Shan state File Size 587KB
Definition 880 X 1320 File Format PNG
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