

Kachin Htaung Kyein Ozi (Long-Drum)
  • Manage No PI00005079
    Country Myanmar
    Year 2014-07-25
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Description Hard wood is curved in a shape of pitcher and made hollow. The leather is stretched over the head of Ozi. Unlike Myanmar traditional pot-drums and Jeinpaw traditional pot-drums, it has a long throat. The shaped of chicken breast or Kyat Yin is lacquered with black resin. The throat of Padinewin is painted in the strips of red and black colours. It has to be played by striking its drumhead. -4 feet 6 inches in height -11 inches in diameter of drumhead -1 feet 5 inches in the circumference of drumhead -1 feet 2 inches in the circumference of Padain -3 feet 2 inches in length of throat -1.5 inches in height of base part -3 feet 2 inches in circumference of base part
Place Bone Moon Region, Shan state File Size 351KB
Definition 880 X 1320 File Format PNG
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