

Kiribati traditional games
  • Manage No PI00006547
    Country Kiribati
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description Artefacts on the upper room are for two different games. The four playing objects of the same nature but different in color and size are light. It is called Te ano-ni-boiri which is very light.The game for which Teano-no-boiri is played is called Te Boiri. Men plays Te boiri. Te Boiri involves movement of the ball by the leg kicking it with the inner part of the right leg so that the ball goes up to the air so that it falls on another player, who kicks it in the same way. There is no competition in the game. All players must be capable of keeping the ball up in the air for a long time. While the ball is moved in such a way every player whether he kicks the ball or not must claps his hands each time the ball is kicked. The clapping makes a very loud noise which adds to the excitement of the game. A large number of players is suitable for this game to acquire a very loud noise from clapping and keep the ball in the air for a long time. The other ball on the right is very heavy and it is called Te ano-n-oreano. With it the game of oreano is played. This game is genuine competition between two teams. The ball is thrown by one team to the other. A skillful player while running at high speed in a space of 6 meters away from his own team holding the ball in his right hand throws it up to the height of his shoulder to allow the ball to land immediately on his right arm when immediately he swings his arm with the ball on it throwing it to the direction of the opposing team. If the ball fails to land on the opposing team that throw does not acquire an score. But if it lands amid the oth-er team, that receiving team must catch it before if lands on the ground. Score is acquired when the ball is not caught by the other team. The weight of Te ano-n-oreano makes it im-portant for the thrower to be strong enough with skill to throw it successfully. The receiving player must reciprocally be strong enough with skill to catch it in the right way. The weight furthermore is the cause of failure th throw it successfully or inability to catch it. The game is always accompanied with singing and clapping by each team after throwing the ball in the manner explained above. The songs are always provocative, especially when failing to throw the ball successfully or failing to catch the ball. In the past it always led to physical fight be-tweeb the two teams.
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