

Sada Festival
Description The Feast of Sada is also one of the ancient festivals of the Aryan peoples. The essence of the Sada Holiday is the victory of light over light, warm over cold and good over evil, and the people celebrate it by lighting large bonfires. Every year, Sada is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Bahman (11th month of the solar calendar), which is equal to January 30 according to the chronology of the birth of Christ. The main purpose of the Sada Holiday is to respect light and illumination and warmth. In empirical stories, it is said that by kindling fire, peoples called for spring and warmth and light. The purpose of the people in its celebration is considered to be the beginning of preparation for fieldwork and gardening. Sada is a celebration for young people and adults, women and men, and all citizens in general. It did not and does not belong to any religion.
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