

International Children's Music Festival DOSTUK
Description The DOSTUK Festival is an international children's music festival-biennale on the Silk Road. The festival between children from the Central Asian region promotes unity and good neighborly relations, respect for ICN, preservation and enhancement of the region's rich musical heritage. The festival brings together children and youth from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Festival participants are musical groups and solo performers representing the Uzbek, Karakalpak, Uyghur, Dungan, Tajik and other cultures that have inhabited the Fergana Valley since ancient times.The Festival will bring together young bearers of the epic heritage: young storytellers of Kyrgyz epics, Uzbek dastans, Uyghur yeitish, Tajik hafiz, Karakalpak bakhsy and zhyrau. The festive atmosphere of the festival will be complemented by traditional theatrical processions and actions of street musicians and artists, puppeteers, magicians and tightrope walkers: Tajik and Uzbek maskharapoz, Uyghur dorchi and sergeri, etc. The final chord of the III-rd Festival will be the joint performance of all the participants on the same stage as part of the Gala Concert, which will become a symbol of unity in preserving the ICN of the Silk Road.
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