

National Dombra Day 2020 celebration in London
  • Manage No PI00006637
    Country Kazakhstan
    Year 2020-07-05
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Social practices, rituals, festive events, Traditional craft skills
Description On the eve of the National Dombra Day Mr Aydar Aishabekov, the student of the London University College played famous Kurmangazy dombra kuys Aday and Balbyrauyn at the Trafalgar Square. Aydar considers dombra to be the cultural heritage of Kazakh people and he tries to disseminate this knowledge widely.
Photographer Galymzhan Karamanuly (Mr)
Place Trafalgar Square, London, UK File Size 3.21 MB
Definition 1920 x 1080 File Format png
Copyright Galymzhan Karamanuly (Mr); Kazinform Copyright

Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

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