

Hsine: Wain: (Drum Circle)
  • Manage No PI00004590
    Country Myanmar
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Description The drum circle was already established A.D 1544 accorning to a mention in the Glass Palace Chronicle. In the Inwa period (1364- 1555), The drum circle was already established as part of the ceremonial entrance and exit of the kings of that time. The slats are made of Yamane (Gemelina arborea) which is smooth- grained, tough, not easily chipped, which propensity not to warp and easy to transport. Drum players for the monarch are expected to be quick at withdrawing their hand after striking a drum or else the hand could be caught in the strings of hide which hold the drums hung from the tips of the slats. It is essential for the sound of the drum to be firm, distinct, loud sounding as desired, accurate and resonant.
Place File Size 709KB
Definition 1320 X 880 File Format PNG
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