

Traditional games in Shagai
  • Manage No PI00000639
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description Mongolian traditional games in Shagai or anklebone of sheep. There are four positions of anklebone each of which has its own name: horse, sheep, goat and camel. Mongols have about 100 variations of anklebone games. For example, there are “Horse race”, “Catching anklebones”, “Anklebone guessing” “Flicking anklebones”, “Multicolored turtle”, “Anklebone shooting” and etc. Mostly children play these games, but sometimes adults are also involved in them. Among games in Shagai most popular is anklebone shooting.
Place File Size 4482 KB
Definition 3872 x 2592 File Format jpg
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Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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