

Melodies concerning the tradition of hunting
  • Manage No PI00002231
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description This is a complex of rite to use the benefits from the hunting properly in the daily life and social needs, and the tradition to protect the wild animals. Within the long periods of history these melodies concerning the tradition of hunting has created and developed. There is a tradition that hunters from Khangai, Khentii and Khüvsgül mountain ranges hunt deer during their mating season by calling them with similar sounds made from uram (wooden instrument for calling deer). Around the Altai and Gobi-Altai mountain ranges, the argali (wild sheep) and ugalz (ibex) are also hunted during their mating season by hunters calling them imitating the same sound as the one made from their colliding with each other. Other than these, there are unique hunting methods to call by imitating the howling to hunt for wolves, making a sound by shovshuur (instrument to call foxes) to hunt for foxes and whistling to hunt for chipmunks.
Place throughout the Mongolia File Size 122880 KB
Definition 22800 x 15200 File Format jpg
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Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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