

Mongolian language
  • Manage No PI00002337
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations
Description Mongolian language belongs to the Altaic language family. It is an ancient and independent language with rich history of thousands of years which has been transmitted through generations to ours. Over 20 ethnic groups in Mongolia are divided in to 2 different language groups, for instance over 90 % of these 20 ethnic groups are speak in Khalkh, Bayad, Barga, Buriad, Dariganga, Darkhad, Dorvod, Zakhchin, Myagngad, Oold, Torguud, Uzemchin, Khamnigan. Kharchin, Khotgoid, Eljigen, Sartuul and Tsakhar dialects of Mongolian langugage group. The Kazakh, Uriankhai, Tuva and Khoton are classified into Turkic language group. The marvel of the Mongolian language is its phonemic, morphological and syntactic harmony, its flexibility, and its unusually rich lexicology. Mongols have created innumerable oral and intangible expressions in Mongolian language which manifested in the forms of folk literature, folklore, traditional performing arts, customs and practices.
Place throughout the Mongolia File Size 7680 KB
Definition 1800 x 2656 File Format JPG
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Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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