

Sculpture and papier-mache crafts
  • Manage No PI00005995
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
Description Statue crafts are made by moulding a particular material into a cast and then preparing in a variety of ways, including baking, glazing and smoking. The special cast is made based on the traditions of stone and bone engraving crafts. Papier-mache is created by pasting layers of light paper on a special wooden or earth cast. Tsaasan shuumal or papier-mache is made with the ingemel technique, which is the making of reliefs on objects. Ingemel or relief has the following four types: a) khotgor ingemel (flute relief), b) tövgör ingemel (semi-fillet relief), c) tovgor ingemel (fillet relief) and d) büten tovoimol (sculpture-like relief).Shüren shuumal is created by putting a cover of big and small pieces of corals on the papier-mache.
Place to be identified File Size 955KB
Definition 811 X 1000 File Format PNG
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