

Lepa and Other Watercrafts: Boat Building Traditions of the Sama of Tawi-tawi
  • Manage No PI00003697
    Country Philippines
    Year 2018-12-03
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
Description Jubal S. Muyong is one of the boat builders of Sibutu. The Sama people of Tawi-Tawi, southern Philippines, particular those from the island of Sibutu, are known for their boat building practices using traditional knowledge. They make different kinds of water vessels including the lepa, the house boat.Jubal S. Muyong is one of the boat builders of Sibutu. The Sama people of Tawi-Tawi, southern Philippines, particular those from the island of Sibutu, are known for their boat building practices using traditional knowledge. They make different kinds of water vessels including the lepa, the house boat.
Photographer Roel Hoang Manipon
Place File Size 5.51MB
Definition 5505x3623 File Format JPG
Copyright ICHCAP, National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) of the Philippines -

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