

Loy Krathong
  • Manage No PI00005187
    Country Thailand
    Year 2020-08-03
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description Loy Krathong is a ceremony that expresses reverence for the Goddess of Water. It is held on the night of a full moon during the twelfth lunar month of each year, in fall during November on the Western calendar. The event seeks forgiveness for the use and pollution of water by humans, and participants craft lotus-shaped baskets using banana leaves (krathong), hold them against their foreheads to offer prayers, set them adrift on the river, and make wishes. Held across all of Thailand, Loy Krathong includes a krathong-making contest, which effectively sustains popular interest in traditional Thai crafts and transmits such traditions to future generations.
Photographer Touchchapol Sangaareekul
Place File Size 740KB
Definition 3264 X 2448 File Format JPG
Copyright ICHCAP, Thammasat University Copyright

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