

Hoop Takraw
  • Manage No PI00005369
    Country Thailand
    Year 2020-06-23
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description Takraw is a traditional Thai volleyball that has been a beloved pastime among Thai people since the Ayutthaya era. Teams consisting of six or seven players use various body parts to serve and return a rattan ball. In an evolution in the 1920s, a configuration of three hoops with attached nets was hung at a height of 4–5 m, into which players try to propel the ball. Around the 1950s, Hoop Takraw gained widespread popularity and was formalized, with a tournament held each year during the Thai sports festival season. This video explains the rules of Takraw and demonstrates the acrobatic kicking techniques players use to score points.
Photographer Touchchapol Sangaareekul
Place File Size 2.54MB
Definition 4096 X 1888 File Format JPG
Copyright ICHCAP, Thammasat University Copyright

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