

Farghona - Toshkent maqoms
Description Ferghana-Tashkent maqoms got formed in ХVIII-ХIХ centuries on the basis of Shashmaqom (sarakhbor, tarona, savt, qashqarcha, soqiynoma, ufar) and musical traditions of the Ferghana Valley.Ferghana-Tashkent maqoms are a phenomenon which is unique and original in the system of maqomat (maqom art) of Uzbekistan, existence of which is associated with musical culture of the cities of the Ferghana Valley and Tashkent region in the form of separate instrumental and vocal samples and small cycles (from two to seven parts).Instrumental maqom cycles include: “Mushkiloti dugoh I-III”, “Ajam taronalari I-III”, “Chorgoh I-V”, “Miskin I-VII” and vocal maqom cycles include: “Nasrullo I-III”, “Chorgoh I-V”, “Bayot I-V”, “Bayot Sheroziy I-V”, “Shakhnoz-Gulyor I-V”, “Dugoh-Husayniy I-VII”.
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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