

The miniature art
  • Manage No PI00003121
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe, Traditional craft skills
Description The history of miniature painting goes back to the Stone Age. By being drawn initially on stones, then on animal skinnit was formed and developed. By mid of the ХV–ХVII centuries this field reached high level of development. Coming exactly to this century, such creative schools asn“Samarkand school of miniature”, “Khirot School of miniature”, “Boburids’ school of miniature” has been formed. In the ХV–ХVII centuries portrait genre and the description of historical events became consistent and basic theme in art schools of Central Asia.Miniature art has not lost its significance even at present. There are many artists whonare occupied with Miniature art. They draw their compositions on paper and on animal skin.
Place File Size 9491 KB
Definition 2560 x 3840 File Format jpg
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Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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