

The sacred drum is placed in front of Miếu Ông temple. The shaman performs a ritual to pray for favourable weather, bumper crops and good health.
  • Manage No PI00006241
    Country Vietnam
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description The drum dancing festival of the Giay ethnic group (Mèo Vạc district, Hà Giang province) Hà Giang - one of the six provinces in the Northeast region of Vietnam has a diverse terrain and mountainous topography divided into 3 distinct regions: the rocky mountainous region includes Đồng Văn, Mèo Vạc, Yên Minh, Quản Bạ, Bắc Mê districts; the western region includes Xín Mần, Hoàng Su Phì districts; and the lowland region includes Vị Xuyên, Bắc Quang, Quang Bình districts and Hà Giang city. Residents in Hà Giang province belong to various ethnic groups such as the H’Mông, the Dao, the Tày, the Nùng, the LôLô, the Bố Y, the Pà Thẻn, the Giáy.
Place File Size 2MB
Definition 1360 x 2048 File Format jpg
Copyright VICAS Copyright

Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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