

The Four Noble Friends (thuen-pa pun-zhi)
  • Manage No
    Country Bhutan
    Author Yeshi Lhendup, Senior Research Librarian, National Library and Archives of Bhutan
    Published Year 2022
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description This fabulous story provides humanity with a strong moral for harmonious and peaceful living, which offers real food for thought in this era of modernization and competition in the world. The story is one of many enchanting Jakarta tales of Lord Buddha; it is not only highly revered in Bhutan but also included in school curricula to teach deep human values to future generations. The story begins in a dense forest in the land of Kashi, where once lived a partridge, a rabbit, a monkey, and an elephant who became incredibly close friends despite their different sizes and species. The friendship was made possible the fact that they shared the same feeling of love and kindness for each other. Every day they helped each other find food and wholeheartedly shared everything they found.

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